Global News
The COVID-19 crisis will transform industry. New circumstances have reinforced the importance of agility, efficiency, and resiliency. Our industries are simultaneously needing to save costs while building more capacity and robustness. To achieve both, there is one solution: digitization. But this is not new to industry. Digital transformation was in motion well before the pandemic hit. During the crisis, those who were fully connected had a significant edge. And those who were not, are now trying to catch up. COVID-19 has been a massive accelerator of digital, reinforced by the core needs of remote everything, resiliency, efficiency, and sustainability.
Domestic News
Istilah Corporate Social Responsibility atau lebih dikenal dengan CSR adalah istilah yang sudah tidak asing lagi di dunia usaha atau di perusahaan-perusahaan bisnis. Dalam buku berjudul Pentingkah Peran CSR bagi Perusahaan disebutkan, CSR memiliki peranan yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan atau sebuah organisasi bisnis karena dalam setiap perusahaan mempunyai tanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan maupun masyarakat melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan lingkungan sekitarnya dan memperbaiki kehidupan di dalam masyarakat hingga pada proses pembangunan ekonomi (Inayati 2019)